The Cavaterm endometrial ablation system consists of a disposable silicone balloon and a central processing unit. The balloon is inserted into the uterine cavity and distended with glycine. It is heated to 65°C–78°C for a period of 15 minutes before being withdrawn from the uterine cavity. The full procedure is described in Hawe et al. (


Cavaterm™ solution peu invasive, sûre et efficace. Traitement des règles abondantes, problèmes de saignements menstruels. Excellent résultats, succès satisfaction, qualité de vie améliorée, Comment agit Cavaterm, méthode de choix, ablation de l'endomètre

The ablation time was 10 minutes at a temperature of 78 degrees C. No procedure-related operative or immediate postoperative complications were encountered. The mean follow-up period was 19 months (range 6-24 months). About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators 2020-08-14 · Colposcopy is a way to get a close-up look at your cervix. It’s a quick and easy way to find cell changes in your cervix that may turn into cancer. A colposcopy is a type of cervical cancer test. It lets your doctor or nurse get a close-up look at your cervix — the opening to your uterus. It’s 2005-11-01 · Factors affecting the outcome of endometrial ablation using Cavaterm plus.

Cavaterm procedure

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Conclusions: The Cavaterm thermal coagulation system in the earlier mode of application (15 minutes at a temperature of 70°C and a pressure of 200 mmHg is a safe and highly effective method of endometrial ablation resulting in a minimal amount of posttreatment menstrual bleeding. Outcome of endometrial ab lation procedure (Cavaterm) among women with heavy menstrual bleeding (n=30) Thermal Balloon Endometrial Ablation in the Treatment of Hea vy Menstrual Bleeding. 413. Cavaterm™is an endometrial ablation system for the permanent treatment of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding.

Heavy menstrual Bleeding Uterine balloon therapy درمان خونریزی های غیرطبیعی رحم توسط کاواترم ( بالن آب گرم ) سوزانده شدن دیواره رحم

The Cavaterm endometrial ablation system consists of an adjustable, flexible silicone balloon catheter and a central unit. Endometrial Ablation for DUBCavaterm is a minimally invasive treatment for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB). It works by ablating the endometrial lining procedures.

Heavy menstrual Bleeding Uterine balloon therapy درمان خونریزی های غیرطبیعی رحم توسط کاواترم ( بالن آب گرم ) سوزانده شدن دیواره رحم

Cavaterm procedure

Cavaterm™ should not be used for women who still desire to become pregnant. This procedure destroys the uterine lining, which should be intact in order to bring to term a normal pregnancy. On the other hand, Cavaterm™ does not guarantee sterility. CavatermTM provides a permanent treatment that coagulates all or a significant part of the endometrium thus eliminating the DUB. The procedure can in most cases be performed on an outpatient basis thus saving hospitalisation and enabling the patients Cavaterm™ is a safe, simple and reliable method for you and for your physician Cavaterm™ will significantly reduce or even eliminate bleeding during your periods Cavaterm™ treats and preserves your body: only tissue which causes bleeding is removed, this procedure is performed without incision, under light anaesthesia Fifty patients due to undergo endometrial ablation as a treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding were recruited to assess the efficacy and safety of a new thermal balloon ablation system (Cavaterm). The patients were followed up for a mean of 14 months (range 6–24): 34 (68%) have complete amen‐orrhoea, 12 (24%) only have spotting, two (4%) are Cavaterm thermal balloon endometrial ablation involves inserting a balloon into the uterine cavity through the cervix. The surgeon inflates the balloon with a glycine Cavaterm balloon ablation seems a safe and effective option for women with menorrhagia.

Cavaterm procedure

Please contact our Pre-Authorisation Department on toll free 0800 – 339929 for any queries. CAVATERM ABLATION MOTIVATION 1-3 Canegate Road La Lucia Ridge 4019 This study showed that EA surgery with Cavaterm Thermal Balloon was an effective treatment for AUB. The procedure was safe and was associated with a very low rate of postoperative adverse events. The patient satisfaction rate was favorable. At 12 months, 83% and 92% of women were either satisfied or very satisfied in the Cavaterm or Novasure groups, respectively.
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Cavaterm procedure

The procedure does not require additional training and expertise in operative hysteroscopy and compares favourably with established techniques. 2006-09-01 · Most of the women underwent general anesthetic: 20 (65%) in the Cavaterm group and 12 (60%) in the resection group. Analgesics (acetaminophen or non steroidal antiinflammatory drugs, morphinic drugs) were given throughout the procedure in 14 (45%) women treated by Cavaterm and in 8 (40%) women treated by resection.

The balloon is inserted into the uterine cavity and distended with glycine. It is heated to 65°C–78°C for a period of 15 minutes before being withdrawn from the uterine cavity. The full procedure is described in Hawe et al.
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Heavy menstrual Bleeding Uterine balloon therapy درمان خونریزی های غیرطبیعی رحم توسط کاواترم ( بالن آب گرم ) سوزانده شدن دیواره رحم

Cavaterm™ should not be used for women who still desire to become pregnant. This procedure destroys the uterine lining, which should be intact in order to bring to term a normal pregnancy. On the other hand, Cavaterm™ does not guarantee sterility. A dilatation and curettage is a procedure, in which the physician manually scrapes away the lining causing bleeding from the womb, which can possibly reduce the amount of blood loss during periods for a few months. The layer removed is only superficial and profuse bleeding eventually returns after a few months.