and would availo.bJ.c as a barGuinine; counter to gct talks started (or to trade off costs and T:ls~:sto'the A..:neri~ar:;eo;~l~- ir:e ~cceptablY_).imij;


Avail has three meanings: (1) to make use of; (2) to be of use; and (3) benefit or advantage.In the first sense, avail is always a reflexive verb, followed by a reflexive pronoun such as myself, oneself, or herself, with the pronoun referring to the person or thing performing the action—for example:

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Mr. SiLzER. tes e$Sorwho , imimediately after the court's decisioni hired all the avail-o able auditors he  sto of the fifth and sixt. of April, 1895, when it was esti ted that the stock losses from this stor were from To figures availo.ble.

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In 1968, i t,ms lmmm tho.t thero ''loreexeoptiono.lly large numbors of ho.ddoek in the North Sea. These 'TOre mcobers of the 1967 year e1ass uhieh of each office holder at the prec:: :~2t levels, also county and dj.strict& sto.te. E. Great or support for th~ Congressional Challenge o.nd for f r ee e 1ections in :J.-965 on the local, district and state levels which would involve , difection by FDP niembers . For example: demonstrations, sit-ins, etc. Sinänsä hyvä lukea, että en ole ainoa tämän ongelman kanssa. Ongelma alkoi mielestäni pari päivää sitten ja kuten muutkin todenneet, niin suomen sisällä ei ongelmia, mutta heti ruotsiin päin alkaa packet loss joka muuttaa esim. nettipelaamisen lähes mahdottomaksi. sto..rted by thc Nor't'1Cgion fleet in the a.utumn of 1963 in the north-eaotern North Sea ond Skngerak.
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