Safeguarding Procedures on the Halton Safeguarding Board website: 1.2 A referral to the LADO does not negate the need for agencies to take any immediate 


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6.9 The LADO may decide that the designated lead is not the appropriate person and in situations of this nature the LADO will go higher within the organisation. 7.0 Referrals 7.1 Where the criteria for referral is met, as specified in section 1.4, the employer must make a referral to the LADO using a consultation form.. This should The LADO service has produced a toolkit that you can access via this site and welcomes any query regarding support around this area. For a copy of the toolkit 'A Guide to Child Protection and Adult Safeguarding for Faith Based Establishments' click here.

If the referral meets the criteria for LADO involvement, the LADO will: Arrange a Managing Allegations strategy meeting if one is required, liaising with the police and other agencies as Ensure that child protection procedures are initiated where the child is considered to be at risk of

volunteers and professionals where there are domestic LADO Referral and Threshold Protocol Introduction All allegations made against professionals or volunteers who work with children should be taken seriously. Some allegations clearly need to be referred and allocated for an immediate police investigation as they involve an incident of harm to Step 1: Contact LADO discussion to take place in regards to initial planning and whether the member of staff/person concerned is to be informed of the allegation; the LADO will ask you to complete Se hela listan på complete a LADO referral form within one working day. The LADO referral form is provided as a template to the protocol, and provides the details for submitting the r referral.

Designated Officer (LADO) who is responsible for co-ordinating the response to concerns that an Monitor the progress of referrals to ensure they are dealt with as quickly as possible, consistent with a thorough and fair process. • See

Lado referral process

Bristol LADO: Nicola Laird.

Lado referral process

Referrals must be made to the LADO when information suggests that an adult who has contact with children as part of their employment or voluntary work may have: behaved in a way that has harmed a child or may have harmed a child possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; or All allegations and concerns must be reported to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) within the same working day. LADO Referral Form.docx. Oldham's LADO is Colette Morris.
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Lado referral process

LADO Consultation and Referral Guidance LADO Referral/Consultation Form 2020 LADO Leaflet – A guide to managing allegations against Read more » LADO will decide how the POT enquiry/referral will be managed and will provide you; dependent on the information you share with the LADO advice or the next steps for managing the POT issues in relation to your employee. LADO? • Initially, you will be asked for some basic information to determine the next steps and whether it is felt that the threshold is met for the allegations management process.

Completed LADO Referral Forms should be emailed using secure mail (e.g. gcsx, pnn, cjsm,, etc.) to If They ensure cases are dealt with as quickly as possible and are consistent with a thorough and fair process.
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complete the LADO referral form and send to ladoreferrals@tame UK - Making barring referrals to the DBS; Guidance regarding the legal duty to The LADO can provide advice and, where necessary, co-ordinate the process,  then allegations procedures must be followed and reported to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO). Role of the LADO. The LADO will follow  LADO and Safer Recruitment.